Blouse- Forever 21+
Jeans- Torrid
Belt- Torrid
Shoes- Miz Mooz
Okay so apparently I've been missing out on this whole " Fatshionista" concept. Where "plus size" women take on the world and express themselves through fashion and being happy to be themselves no matter what size. Seriously am I the worst fat girl on earth? Never knew Forever 21 had a plus size section? Been into torrid 2 times my whole life. Didn't know
ASOS even existed!!! (if you haven't been to the site check it out. They have some fabulous items for most sizes)
I guess its because I can still shop at a majority of the mainstream stores. Plus I was obsessed with having a retro flare on everything so I was SO PICKY about what I wore and pretty much was a combination of pencil skirts, jeans, cardigans, sheath dresses, black, black and BLACK!

Then I became obsessed with this idea that I was only going to make clothing from vintage patterns and or wear vintage clothes. That sort of is on the back burner for many reasons. The main one being I do hair. I use bleach & color everyday so the idea of ruining something that was expensive & has lasted 50 years with someone else only to be splattered with bleach by day 1 with me is depressing. That and I've been working like crazy so my sewing has taken the back burner, as well as cleaning, doing laundry, making crafts, sleeping, paying attention to my loving boyfriend, roller derby... you get it! BITCH is fucking BUSY!
Which has led me to my quarter life crisis. I turned 25. I feel like I've had the same " look" for years now. I wear red lipstick every day. I needed a change. I went one whole week without wearing it.(anyone who wears red lipstick knows my pain... its my security blanket) I was over my obsession with having this retro look on a day to day basis. Vintage will always be part of my life. I love it. Even when I don't try people still identify me with someone from 50 years ago.
my quarter life crisis is not about my appearance. Mostly about things happening in my life. I'm officially ready to get married. I am not freaked out about the idea. I no longer have this mentality that I am a child trying to be a grown up. I have a budding career and talk of buying a house has been in the air. Its a lot to take in. Now I just need my boyfriend to ask me to marry him! HAHAHAHAHA!
I guess everything is just coming together. I stumbled upon a "fatshion" blog just as I was looking for something a little different. I found out that online shopping is fun and ended up spending $800 in a week on some clothes from forever 21, ASOS, & torrid. I love all my clothes!!! WOO WOO WOO! I'll probably be posting more OOTD's and rambling about being plus size and being totally confident in myself. Little did I know its actually called something!!! Seriously I just crawled from under a rock....